Teradata Data Types - Using in BI Projects
Currently Teradata supports different data types.
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- BYTEINT ==> Signed whole number ==> -128 to 127
- CHAR ==> Character String ==> 1to 64000 bytes. The disadvantage is it pads spaces, when you do not give that much string length
- VARCHAR ==> Character string ==> Only it occupies space, the string length you have given
- DATE ==> DATE type ==> YYYYMMDD format
- TIME ==> Time value will be stored ==> HH:MM:SS
- INTEGER ==>Signed whole number ==> -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
- SMALLINT ==> Signed small whole number ==> -32,768 to 32,767
- DEC ==> Signed decimal number ==> 18 digits on either side ==> DEC(18,0)-Max and DEC(18,18)-small
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